Friday, April 18, 2008

Thoughts on Education

This should irk some people. I've been busy with tax season (and recovering from it), so all this post will be is some links to interesting articles on education.

Warning, if you're pro-public schools, you'll hate every single one of these. Which also means you and I will disagree on education issues. Put simply, teaching my kids is my business, and it's not your right to dictate what they learn.

And, by the way, remember, everything you teach conveys your point of view. Objectivity is a fallacy for all human beings. And, if you're Vulcan, let me know. I'll manage your live appearances for a modest cut of the action.

Here are the links:
If we have the cojones to do this, we should. Lew Rockwell. 'Nuff said.

John Stossel on the California homeschooling court controversy.

This will irk some folks, but I think she has a point.

John Taylor Gatto. 'Nuff said.

More John Taylor Gatto. Always worth reading.

Interesting viewpoint, especially on what the real cause of teen angst is. I think he has a good point here.

The first cartoon, I think, pretty much mirrors my thoughts on the subject, and how I felt going to public schools:

That should keep some thinking people busy for a little while, and it should irk some people who don't actually want to think about the subject.

- John

Currently listening to:
U Don't Dans 2 Tekno Anymore - Alabama 3 (A3)
Villa-Lobos - Study No. 1 in E Minor - Andres Segovia
Orion - Zombi (from SXSW 2006 compilation)
Bullet Proof - Alabama 3 (A3) - What a great cut!
Low Life - The Police
Alice - The Sisters of Mercy
The Trees - Rush

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